
Life is full of transitions.  It is just a part of growing older. We transition from grade school to high school, from being a student to a working person, and for some, from being single and living with their parents to being in a relationship or living on your own.

Each year, we welcome new individuals to our clinic when they transition from pediatric to adult care or when people relocate to the Toronto area and need to transfer from their CF clinic to our clinic. 

In life there are many moments of ‘transfer’ for example, starting Grade 9, moving into your first apartment etc. These changes can be exciting but can also seem frightening. The movement from the pediatric CF centre to the adult centre is one of these transfer moments. The parents of children with CF have been the ones responsible for the medical care, but as a child gets older, the responsibility shifts. Having CF makes the transitions while growing up and becoming independent more complicated but both the pediatric and adult CF teams are there to help.

Some people may initially be scared and saddened to leave the health care team that has known them and helped them for many years, often since birth. The transition and transfer process can also be stressful for the parents of young adults with CF. However, it is also an exciting time, a time to celebrate how people with CF are living longer which make the transition to an adult CF centre a necessary process. Presently, we care for more than 500 adults with CF, ranging from 18 to over 70 years old. About one quarter (25%) of people attending the Adult CF Centre are older than age 40.

The initial visit with the Adult CF team occurs at your last appointment at The Hospital for Sick Children (Sick Kids). Either by Zoom or in person, you meet with Dr Elizabeth Tullis (Medical Director), the CF nurse and one of our social workers. Your medical history is reviewed and you get information about the Adult CF Centre at this visit. Many aspects of care are the same in each clinic, in part because the structure of the adult CF team at St. Michael’s Hospital is modeled after the clinics at the Sick Kids. Like the CF team at Sick Kids, our CF team is composed of experts from every discipline who can contribute to your care.

During the first few years of transitioning into the adult clinic, you will be encouraged to begin taking on more responsibility for your CF care and health. Dr. Tullis, our CF Transition nurse, and social workers will work closely with you to provide additional support for a smooth transition.

Be sure to read the transition booklet provided to all new patients at our clinic. If you have any questions or concerns please reach out to the CF office or connect with the CF Transition nurse.

Every year there are adults being newly diagnosed with CF and joining our clinic. Often this is after years of unexplained symptoms and investigations by various doctors. Initially the diagnosis comes as a relief as finally there is a reason to explain the symptoms. However, the diagnosis can also lead to anxiety and worry due to the uncertainty of the future, as well as getting comfortable with new treatments, as well as a new medical team.

Individuals with CF may relocate to the Toronto area from other places within Canada or occasionally from other countries. Often, they will also transfer their CF care unless the time in Toronto is very brief. Once you know that you will be transferring your care to our clinic, it is important that you let your prior clinic know of your intention to move. This will allow them time to prepare a transfer package that summarizes your health history for us so we know your medical and social background.

Looking to transition to the Toronto Adult CF Centre?

Please reach out with any questions. You can reach us through our General Inquiry & Clinic Bookings by telephone at 416-864-5409 or via email at