The inpatient ward moved to the newly-built inpatient Respirology ward located in the Peter Gilgan Tower in July 2021. The new ward consist of 16 rooms and there are between 6 and 12 CF patients on the inpatient ward at any time. In the new ward, all rooms are single with their own washroom and shower facilities.

How can I prepare for a hospital stay?

The following information is to help prepare you for a stay in hospital here at St. Mike’s to ensure you are as comfortable as possible.

Be sure to read the toggled information on this page, as it contains useful information on being admitted to hospital.

When you are admitted to hospital, you will be seen by different members of our CF team to ensure that all aspects of your CF care are attended to. We also have established guidelines for our ward to ensure the safety and consideration of yourself and others. Please take a moment to review these prior to or during your admission with us! You’ll find them just below.

Inpatient ward policies may change depending on current infection control requirements and of course there have been significant changes related to COVID-19. In general, to ensure your safety and in consideration of others, please note the following:

  • Visiting hours are 8:00 AM to 9:00 PM
  • Patients are expected to follow the infection control guidelines provided to them
  • Patients should discuss with their physician if they wish to leave the hospital for any reason. We expect patients to be in their rooms, available for treatment(s) when the members of the CF team arrive to see them
  • Patients are asked to sign in and out at the nursing station when leaving and returning to the ward
  • Patients are asked to return to the ward before 9 PM
  • Patients should make arrangements to leave their room by 11 AM on their day of discharge

Please minimize the number of valuable items that you bring to hospital. Once a decision has been made for hospital admission, you will need to consider what to bring with you. It is often difficult to predict how long your admission will be, however, typically people are admitted to hospital for 10-14 days. Below is a sample list of what to pack for your hospital stay:

  • Toothpaste, toothbrush, dental floss
  • Multiple change of clothes, undergarments, socks
  • Pyjamas, bathrobe, slippers
  • Toiletries (hairbrush, lotion, soap, shampoo etc.)
  • Eye glasses and/or contact lenses etc. (if applicable)
  • Favorite books, laptop, homework or other work, pictures, cell phone, headphones etc.
  • Your nebulizer, compressors, special medications that may not be able to be provided to you by the hospital pharmacy, glucometer, glucose monitoring strips, airway clearance devices etc.
  • Your own BIPAP or CPAP machine and mask (if applicable)
  • Small amounts of money or credit or debit card

In general, family or support people are not allowed to stay overnight in the hospital rooms unless the person’s health is considered critical.

If your family lives outside of the Toronto area and would like to stay close by, we can help your family find accommodations close to the hospital. Be sure to ask your social worker for information about discounted medical rates for hotels nearest to St. Michael’s Hospital.

A hospital admission can take an emotional toll. The approach of our team is to treat people with respect and compassion. We realize that you are more than a ‘patient’. You are a whole person and it’s important that you attend to all of you, and not just your CF. This is especially true if you have a prolonged hospital stay. To help cope with a long hospital stay, here are some tips that may make it a bit less stressful:

  1. Bring something from your house, a blanket, pillow or anything that brings you comfort. This helps tremendously with creating a warm environment. Most of us feel safe and comfortable at home. Bringing a piece of that with you will re-create those feelings of safety and comfort.
  2. Dress comfortably in your normal clothes from home. When you dress in your regular clothing, it’s a reminder that you’re also a person, not just a patient in a hospital
  3. Display pictures of friends and family. It has been said that smiling is contagious. Try to fill your walls with smiling faces to brighten your day.
  4. Find a hobby that can be done from your hospital room. Hobbies help keep your mind active and focused on something other than your diagnosis or treatment. For example, if you enjoy creating art, bring a sketchpad and pencils so you can draw while in your hospital bed.
  5. If possible, bring a laptop from home and communicate frequently with friends and family members during your stay. Staying in communication with friends and family helps you stay involved with the lives of others.
  6. Assuming there are no infection control restrictions, try to leave your room at least once per day. Whether it’s a short walk or a trip to another part of the hospital, it’s important to change your scenery. The Eaton Centre is close by (Queen St./Yonge St.) if you want to go outside for a walk.
  7. Start a journal. Even if you aren’t a writer, journaling helps with stress relief and allows you to express your emotions in a healthy way.
  8. Music! Bring headphones so you can listen to music on your device. Music can be a powerful medium for changing how we feel. It can reduce stress and promote relaxation. Managing stress is crucial to our well-being and important when faced with a long hospitalization.
  9. Keep up with “housekeeping,” using a laptop in your room. You can pay bills, send email and maybe even keep up with work. Some find it helpful to maintain a blog while admitted. This is a very easy way to keep friends and family updated on your health.
  10. Meditate. Take some time to turn off the noise and just be still. Meditation and prayer are ways you can take a break from the medicine and procedures and just relax. Use this time to identify some positive aspects of your life.
  11. Expressing how you feel and letting others know what you’re going through can help you get through this difficult time.

We’re here to support you.

It can be helpful to talk with a trusted friend, family member or professional during the time you are hospitalized. The CF team can help you organize in-person or virtual contact with your support network. If you’d like to talk with someone at St. Michael’s Hospital call the CF Social Worker at 416-864-6060 x 4129, or ask your nurse or physician to speak with the social worker on your behalf.

Adapted from MD Anderson Cancer Centre, Social Work Department